Frequently Asked Questions

Q: There are a lot of dating sites. Do you write profiles for any of them?

A: The profile that we’ll craft for you is applicable to any site that is designed for you to creatively present yourself. However, if you’re planning on using a service which “scientifically” matches its members, matchcatchers really isn’t for you.


Q: What will you send me when my profile is finished?

A: We use a format designed for you to directly enter your matchcatchers profile into your account. You can easily use your finished portrait on other sites by entering the text into the appropriate areas.


Q: Why not write portraits for individual dating sites?

A: Because although there are dozens of sites, they’re basically asking for the same information. Our process is based on how the most popular and successful (for clients) sites are formatted. Our posting advice will give you exposure to the largest online membership.


Q: What can’t you do?

A: We can’t guarantee that you’ll catch the match of your dreams. But we’ll work hard to give you a profile that will get you noticed. We also follow the rules of the major sites, so we don’t write overly provocative or explicit profiles. And due to our confidentially policy, we won’t enter your profile into a dating service account.

More importantly, we aren’t going to try and change you.  If you’ve ever been in a relationship where someone thought you were their “project” for change, you know why.  We believe that there’s someone out there perfect for each of us.  So matchcatchers doesn’t offer tiered “good-better-best” services or offer an audio coaching/self help program.  After over a decade, we are confident that our way works for most people.


Q: What about photos?

A: We have very specific ideas about the images posted in a profile, and we’ll view your current online profile or ask you to send us what you plan to use. We may suggest that you obtain new photos, and if this is necessary we’ll advise you to make it easy.


Q: So many profiles read the same. Is it really possible to stand out in a crowd?

A: Yes! (What did you think we would say…?). Our staff has read over 100,000 online profiles. We’ve seen more forgettable ones than all of the profiles you’ll ever read. It’s driven our belief that with a little work, it’s possible to be as unique on a screen as you are in person.


Q: What happens on a matchcatchers First Date™?

A: We’ll schedule a time with you to call and speak with you for about an hour. We’ll talk about what you’re looking for, ask you questions about particulars, and just get to know your personality by just listening. You’ll have some questions too, and we’ll make sure you’re they’re answered.


Q: How long does it take to write my profile?

A: Usually a few days to less than a week, but if we’re exceptionally busy we’ll let you know. We’ll speak with you again when it’s finished, to make sure that you’re comfortable with it and that you understand why we may have made changes to certain areas. If necessary, we’ll make changes through up to 2 rounds of edits to ensure your satisfaction.  Your happiness (which is why you’re online dating in the first place) is our goal.

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